
Efficient technologies for change

How does underground hydrogen storage work?

Green hydrogen plays a key role in the energy transition and decarbonization. That's why it's important to develop methods for large-scale hydrogen storage, especially through underground storage, using techniques similar to those used for natural gas.

Towards more sustainable mobility after COVID-19

Las grandes urbes apuestan por el uso de la bicicleta y otras formas de transporte respetuosas con el medio ambiente como alternativa al tráfico rodado. La utilización de gases renovables y gas natural licuado como combustible es una alternativa sostenible para mejorar la calidad del aire y reducir la contaminación urbana.

Decarbonising goes beyond electrifying

Let's think of a completely electrified world. A world in which we all travel on electric bicycles, cars, trains, aeroplanes and even electric vessels. A world in which entire cities run on solar panels and all electrical infrastructure runs from smart grids and giant batteries.