Articles related to: gases renovables

“Natural gas and renewable gases are the right step on the road to transport decarbonisation”

Jul, 10 2020 Committed

Eugenia Sillero has been the Secretary General of Gasnam, the Iberian Association for natural gas-powered mobility, since 2018. Its aim is to promote the use of natural and renewable gas in mobility, both on land and at sea in the Iberian Peninsula. As part of our series of interviews with women from the energy sector, today she shares with us her views on equality, leadership and the challenges facing the sector in the coming years.

Towards more sustainable mobility after COVID-19

Jul, 7 2020 Innovative

Las grandes urbes apuestan por el uso de la bicicleta y otras formas de transporte respetuosas con el medio ambiente como alternativa al tráfico rodado. La utilización de gases renovables y gas natural licuado como combustible es una alternativa sostenible para mejorar la calidad del aire y reducir la contaminación urbana.